Taking a trip to St. Francis Xavier University for the endMS Sprint Face-to-Face meeting

Sorry for the delay with an update on my trip to St. Francis Xavier University, but here it is! Being a part of the endMS SPRINT program has allowed me the opportunity to travel to Antigonish, Nova Scotia.


Meeting up with my Sprint team allowed us the opportunity to determine exactly what we wanted our review paper to be about. We also had the opportunity to explore Antigonish while tackling the reference screening of 8016 papers without the constant reminder of lab work!


Days consisted of morning walks to the coffee shop from our cozy AirBnB, followed by a full day spent in the Schwartz School McKenna Center sorting through the references we acquired. Antigonish was a wonderful, quaint town and Dr. Lindsay Berrigan was a wonderful host!


p.s. Pacha Mama was an amazing place to eat, which sits right next to the Waffle Bus Stop (another delicious place to eat).


New publication from us


Maitri checks in