We're looking for our next grad student!

We are looking for the next member of our team to work on projects related to B cell activation and the role of B cells in chronic inflammation. Expect to start in either the summer or fall of 2019.

What will you get from joining our team?

In addition to receiving rigorous training in science, in vivo analysis of immune responses, and advanced imaging technologies, trainees in our group gain experience in project design and management, manuscript and grant writing, and other forms of technical communication. These skills will serve you well regardless of whether you stay in academic science or choose to apply them to another career.

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Who are we looking for? Maybe you!

We are a committed team, highly engaged in the science that we do. By necessity, we work together to support each other’s research projects. Also, as they gain experience, trainees take on leadership roles in our collaborative studies with other research groups.

  • Our ideal candidate will work well in this environment, be committed to her or his project, and be a reliable contributor to the team.

 Our research relies heavily in in vivo analysis of mouse models of chronic disease.

  •  Our ideal candidate is at least considering the PhD program. Depending on circumstances, a new student can enter directly into the PhD program or can instead start in the MSc program and choose to switch to the PhD program later. This isn’t required, but a student in our group will get the most out of a longer term program.

We use advanced imaging and other techniques to analyze immune responses in vivo.

  • Our ideal candidate is creative and works well with her or his hands. We expect to teach you everything you need to know once you join the lab so, while an asset, previous experience in a research lab is not required. Please don’t let this keep you from applying.

One of our priorities is communicating our science not just to our colleagues, but also to those outside of the science community.

  •  Our ideal candidate is willing to participate in our experiments with SciCom on social media and through community outreach events. This doesn’t mean that you need to be a charismatic speaker or a social media influencer; just that you’re willing to explore ways to tell different people about the work you do and its value.

If this sounds like something you’re looking for, get in touch!

If you’re considering graduate training in immunology, check out our website www.KerfootLab.com and see what we’re all about. If you’re interested in joining us, send a CV, transcripts, and a cover letter explaining why you want to join the team to Dr. Steve Kerfoot (skerfoot@uwo.ca). Applicants will also have to apply separately to the Microbiology & Immunology Graduate program.




Rajiv Checking in from his Post-doc


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